Silver Dollar Speedway
Kyle Cheney Wins Race; Scott Rogers Wins the Belt
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE / Silver Dollar Speedway
Kyle Cheney Wins Race, Rogers Wins the Belt
CHICO, Calif., MARCH 16, 2024…The second night of the Hobby Stock Smackdown didn’t disappoint. A total of 19 cars returned for a chance to win the Saturday night main event, but more importantly, the coveted Silver Dollar Speedway Smackdown Belt.
The main event started off with the point leader, Jeremy Langenderfer, not able to start the 20-lap main event. This opened the door for second in points Devin Koranda. Things were going good for Koranda until they didn’t. Coming out of turn four on lap three, Koranda and race leader Scott Rogers got together sending Koranda into the front k-rail wall and flipping wildly down the front stretch. Luckily, he was uninjured, but the car was junk and needed to be towed off and the belt was out of his reach. If Koranda finished in the top three the belt and extra money were his to win.
The race resumed with Rogers up front followed by a hard charging eighth place starting Ken Reische and ninth starting Kyle Cheney. The battle for the lead was fast and furious. Cheney emerged as the fastest driver on the track and was able to move around Rogers for the lead. Cheney has always been fast and tonight he was able to seal the deal. He led the final few laps and won the second night of Mini Gold Cup. Reische moved into second. Rogers hung on to third and earned the most points from both nights to capture the belt. Jason Clayton ran solid all night to finish fourth. Former track champion Kyle Allen came home in fifth. Rogers, Clayton, and Koranda all won their eight-lap heat races.
The bonus money went to Scott Rogers ($300), Kyle Cheney ($200), Kyle Allen ($100)
Top 10 in points after the two nights of racing are as follows: Scott Rogers 83, Kyle Cheney 81, *Kyle Allen 74, Devin Koranda 74, Ken Reische 70, Zach Lindgren 69, Toby Merrifield 68, Jason Clayton 65, Jason Clayton Jr. 65, Jared Burrows 55
*Tie breaker was awarded to the higher finishing driver during Saturday night’s main event.
Hobby Stocks return to Chico on April 5th.
Submitted By: troy hennig