Cottage Grove Speedway
Cottage Grove Speedway

Cottage Grove Speedway
Cottage Grove, OR

Next Up.... 2020 at Cottage Grove Speedway!


Cottage Grove Speedway

Next Up.... 2020 at Cottage Grove Speedway!

They say 2020 is a year of change and that will be partly the case here at Cottage Grove Speedway. I know many of you have heard rumors that the track had been sold or that my lease would not be renewed. I myself heard all of these rumors and was pretty unsure at times about what would be taking place here at the racetrack. I am so incredibly excited and proud to announce to you all that a deal has been made and I will not only once again be the promoter of our racetrack but I will also be the new owner. If someone had told me 10 years ago that this is what I would be doing I would have laughed and said you were crazy! Now I can’t imagine doing anything else or being at any other track. Cottage Grove Speedway is home and you are all my family. I grew up in these grandstands and cheered for drivers racing on this racetrack, and I promise I will give my very best every day to this ¼ mile of dirt and to all of you that support it. I would like to thank Jerry Schram for taking what was a pretty big risk when he made me general manager in 2013 and again in 2016 when he leased the track to me, and especially now for selling to me so that I can truly make this place my own. I have learned so many things in the last 7 seasons and I am confident that I am ready for this next big challenge. I would also like to thank all of you drivers, crews, and fans that have shown up over the last few years to support me and this racetrack. You have all made it possible to take this next step. And perhaps the biggest thank you of all to the incredibly dedicated staff who show up week in and week out for no other reason than the passion and love they have for this sport and track, knowing I have your support makes this seemingly overwhelming task look like easy, well at least easier! I could go on and on but I have work to do and you all have cars to get ready because these gates are going to open in just 40 days!!
Cottage Grove Speedway

Submitted By: Heather Boyce

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