Cottage Grove Speedway
Reminder For Upcoming 2013 Awards Banquet
Reminder For Upcoming 2013 Awards Banquet
By Ben Deatherage
(Photo Courtesy of Madman Photography)
We would like to extend a friendly reminder of the upcoming 2013 Awards Banquet for Cottage Grove Speedway, Grays Harbor Raceway, Sunset Speedway Park, and Willamette Speedway along with the American Sprint Car Series-Northwest Region, Northwest Wingless Tour, and the Northwest Extreme Late Model Series. The banquet will take place on Saturday November 16th at the Red Lion Inn On The River at Jantzen Beach. Not only will it be a night of awards but also an evening full of fun with dinner, dancing, and a slide show presentation covering the entire 2013 season.
A brief itinerary of the evening’s events will start with social hour beginning at 5:30 with dinner at 6:00 followed shortly afterwards by the award presentations. Admission to the banquet is $35.00 a plate and the attire is business casual.
Tickets for the banquet must be purchased by Tuesday November 12th. Ticket order forms can be found at http://www.sunsetspeedwaypark.com/downloads/get.aspx?i=61291 and formal invitations can be found at http://www.sunsetspeedwaypark.com/downloads/get.aspx?i=61299. We can’t wait to see everyone there for what will be a wonderful night.
Submitted By: Ben Deatherage