Finnley Bangert
Golden, IL
Driver Information
Here some quick Information
Class: go karts
Driver name: finnley bangert
Racing team: finnley bangert racing
Teammates: dean lister cole Rhodes
Racing hero: my dad and Jimmie Johnson
Favorite series to watch: Lucas oil late models
Hometown: Quincy il
Current city: golden Illinois and camp point Illinois
Current school: central middle school golden il
Event most like to win: Anyone that ricky Thornton Jr would be at if he races when I get older and Terbo
Motor: royal flush
Favorite NFL event: Any cheifs and Green Bay event or the Super Bowl!
Fun facts: his first race with kart he finished 3rd and it was his second ever race and was not in the kart for a full month!
Career Highlights
- winning my first race ever
- winning a race at quincy go kart track almost by the whole track in my first season.
3.coming from 4th to 2nd but got spun once and got hit a lot. - Only running half the season and getting 7th in pionts at Broadway lil bullring karting!
Most Memorable Moment
Winning by almost the whole track at Broadway lil bullring Quincy il
Cornhole, swimming, racing, hanging out with friends and family, playing video games.