Azlyn Goodwin
Azlyn Goodwin

Azlyn Goodwin
Broken Arrow, OK

Driver Information

Started racing in 2020. In the winter of 2019, we go to a parade where a Quarter Midget float comes by handing out flyers to the arrive and drive. I showed my dad and said “ Dad, I want one of those!" Sooner or later we got there and I loved it. We ended up getting a good deal on a car and here we are 3 years later in Heavy Honda and Senior Animal. It's been a fun journey and I can't wait for the next.

Career Highlights

Won my first race! 6/26/20

We've gone to Austin, TX, Pueblo, CO, and Indianapolis, IN. We have had fun and are excited to go to more!

Red Rookie: 2020
Blue Rookie: 2021
Senior Honda: 2022
Heavy Honda and Senior Animal: 2023

Most Memorable Moment

When I won the whole weekend in Austin, and won a fiddle!


Volleyball, Cooking, and Racing.


  • TrackTQMA
  • DriverHaillie Deegan
  • FoodRavioli
  • Sports TeamCardinals
  • Speed ShopThe Little Speed Shop


  • Car ManufacturerBullrider
  • BeveragePepsi