Quarter Midgets of America
Today's Featured Driver!!
Introducing today's featured driver! Jamison Johnson started racing in 2011 and plans on racing until he's aged out. His home track was Little Wheels for several years, and then at Portland QMA. This year he will be racing (hopefully!) at the newly formed Oregon Raceway QMA.He's raced Jr. Honda, Jr. Animal, Jr. Stock, Sr. Honda, Light 160, and Light WF. With the growth he's done this last year I think we'll be moving up to the Heavy classes! His hobbies also include robotics and he has started to complete in robotic drag racing and other robotic skills. When he's not racing at the track he and his friends get out their RC cars and get back to racing again He misses school but is excited to start next year as a High School Freshman.
Submitted By: Denise Smutny