4-17 Southern Speedway
4-17 Southern Speedway

4-17 Southern Speedway
Punta Gorda, FL

3/28/20 Races CANCELLED


4-17 Southern Speedway

3/28/20 Races CANCELLED

Races for 3/28/20 are cancelled.

With a sad heart, but an understanding mind- races have been cancelled for March 28th, along with the Cruise in and swap meet that was scheduled for 3/29/20. We are working to find a way to safely bring racing back to Charlotte County as soon as possible.

As of 3/23/20 - we do plan to hold the April 11th race as scheduled. However- that too will be evaluated as it gets closer.

During this difficult time- please remember just a few things:

  1. Thank your healthcare providers, gas station attendants, grocery store clerks, delivery drivers, skilled trade workers, truck drivers, day care personnel, and all other individuals doing their best to provide you with the needed items and services - they are putting their health in jeopardy for us.
  2. Please do not hoard essential items - there are many people that cannot find the items they desperately need to simply survive.
  3. If you must go out - please be mindful of those around you. Individuals with compromised immune systems not only catch viruses more easily - but have a much harder time getting over them.
  4. We will get through this difficult time. Take one day at a time. Each day brings us closer to the end of this virus.
  5. Be kind to everybody. Kindness costs you nothing, and can change the life of another


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