Auto City Speedway
Auto City Speedway

Auto City Speedway
Flint (Clio), MI

2024 Auto City Speedway Registration

REGISTRATION CLOSES: 14d 8h (10/01/2024 12:00 AM)

$10 fee for registration will be collected at the first race you attend.

Select Competitor

Select the competitor to be registered.

New CompetitorRegister a new competitor not listed above

Select Class

Select the class to be registered.

Multiple classes for this competitor? Choose your first class and you'll copy in a later step.

Red Apple Fireworks FWD Warriors A & B
Herald Pure Stocks
All-American Trucks
Maximum Destruction
MAX D Push Race
MAX D Chain Gang
MAX D Trailer Race
MAX D Flag Pole Truck
MAX D Flag Pole Car
MAX D Shark Race
MAX D Draggin' Race
MAX D I-75
MAX D Skid Car
MAX D Double O Race
MAX D Reverse Race
MAX D Boat Race
MAX D Bus Race
MAX D Fox and The Hound