2/4/2022 - The Bullring
2/4/2022 - The Bullring

The Bullring

Media Results

Results formatted for use in newspapers, magazines, and online publications.

4 entries

Bullring Bandoleros

USCLI Bandoleros Combined Bandolero Feature (12 Laps): 1. 8-Ryan Schank[1]; 2. 16-Amelia Suell[2]; 3. 25-Piper Suell[3]; 4. 45-Logan Gresser[4]

USCLI Bandoleros Combined Bandolero Qualifying: 1. 8-Ryan Schank, 00:20.608[1]; 2. 16-Amelia Suell, 00:21.184[2]; 3. 45-Logan Gresser, 00:27.113[3]; 4. 25-Piper Suell, 00:28.777[4]

USCLI Bandoleros Combined Bandolero Practice: 1. 8-Ryan Schank, 00:20.966[2]; 2. 16-Amelia Suell, 00:21.279[1]; 3. 45-Logan Gresser, 00:30.058[4]; 4. 25-Piper Suell, 00:32.821[3]

11 entries

Friday SP / YL Legends

USCLI Legends Semi Pros Young Lions Legends SP / YL Feature (20 Laps): 1. 88X-Cody Brown[1]; 2. 69-Sean Hingorani[2]; 3. 50-Chloe Lynch[3]; 4. 51-Bryson Brown[4]; 5. 35G-Landon Gresser[7]; 6. 18-Keller Meechudhone[5]; 7. 98-Brendan Tracy[8]; 8. 17-Ashton Leonard[9]; 9. 12-Skyler Rae Meisenbach[11]; 10. 14-Amilleo Thomson[6]; 11. 117-Don Leonard[10]

USCLI Legends Semi Pros Young Lions Legends SP / YLQualifying: 1. 88X-Cody Brown, 00:16.526[1]; 2. 69-Sean Hingorani, 00:16.933[7]; 3. 50-Chloe Lynch, 00:17.047[3]; 4. 51-Bryson Brown, 00:17.063[6]; 5. 18-Keller Meechudhone, 00:17.085[4]; 6. 14-Amilleo Thomson, 00:17.107[2]; 7. 35G-Landon Gresser, 00:17.214[5]; 8. 98-Brendan Tracy, 00:17.249[11]; 9. 17-Ashton Leonard, 00:17.649[8]; 10. 117-Don Leonard, 00:17.649[9]; 11. 12-Skyler Rae Meisenbach, 00:17.649[10]

USCLI Legends Semi Pros Young Lions Legends SP / YL Practice: 1. 88X-Cody Brown, 00:16.759[10]; 2. 14-Amilleo Thomson, 00:17.030[7]; 3. 50-Chloe Lynch, 00:17.264[8]; 4. 18-Keller Meechudhone, 00:17.400[9]; 5. 35G-Landon Gresser, 00:17.413[1]; 6. 51-Bryson Brown, 00:17.646[5]; 7. 12-Skyler Rae Meisenbach, 00:18.820[3]; 8. 69-Sean Hingorani, 00:18.820[2]; 9. 17-Ashton Leonard, 00:18.820[4]; 10. 117-Don Leonard, 00:18.820[6]; 11. 98-Brendan Tracy, 00:18.820[11]

7 entries

Friday P / M Legends

USCLI Legends Pros Masters Legend P/M Feature (20 Laps): 1. 12J-Jordan Holloway[2]; 2. 9-Jason Irwin[1]; 3. 43L-Enzo Lalama[3]; 4. 78G-Ricky Gutierrez[4]; 5. 53-Bruce Silver[5]; 6. 5W-Gary Wegener[6]; 7. 34-Jeff Regier[7]

USCLI Legends Pros Masters Legend P/M Qualifying: 1. 9-Jason Irwin, 00:16.692[2]; 2. 12J-Jordan Holloway, 00:16.726[1]; 3. 43L-Enzo Lalama, 00:17.093[5]; 4. 78G-Ricky Gutierrez, 00:17.117[6]; 5. 53-Bruce Silver, 00:17.126[4]; 6. 5W-Gary Wegener, 00:17.207[3]; 7. 34-Jeff Regier, 00:17.272[7]

USCLI Legends Pros Masters Legends P/M Practice: 1. 12J-Jordan Holloway, 00:16.778[2]; 2. 9-Jason Irwin, 00:17.001[5]; 3. 5W-Gary Wegener, 00:17.211[6]; 4. 53-Bruce Silver, 00:17.387[7]; 5. 43L-Enzo Lalama, 00:17.400[1]; 6. 78G-Ricky Gutierrez, 00:17.462[3]; 7. 34-Jeff Regier, 00:17.674[4]