Marv Dewall
Marv Dewall

Marv Dewall
Sioux Falls, SD

A Grandfather who is both cowboy and race car driver.


DeWall Racing

A Grandfather who is both cowboy and race car driver.

If you're graced with the best of Gods luck you'll have a Grandfather who is both cowboy and race car driver. Our assumption is Marv DeWall would've been an astronaut as well if he could've found a way to trade two good horses for a spaceship.
Marv passed today after a long battle with pretty much everything. We thought we lost him about 5 times over the last 5 years and he just kept fighting. Joanne told us as of yesterday he was trying to haggle his way out of the hospital with the Doctors and nurses.
He looked the way guys like Brad PItt and Matt Damon try to in movies where they play race car drivers and cowboys. Some people just command respect and crack jokes with very few words. It's something they come by innately. Jason tried to sell him a race car as a joke last fall and Marv said, " Nah You keep it, I'll just drive it".
If you were around back in the day you know how good he was but mostly I remember people just wanting to be around him. You could walk in to any cafe with him in the 10 state area and inevitably somebody would go, "Hey that's Marv DeWall".
I'm pretty sure the guy who played Gomer Pyle pitted for him at the Spencer fair once. But also Marv liked a good story so who the hell knows really.
Marv had an unwavering steadiness about him. When we were little he won a lot so some people booed him, especially the guys from Windom. It really bugged me and I didn't understand so I asked him about it and he said, "That's when you know you're really good" and he just smiled.
This race team has been rejuvenated by a family spirit that is all derived from the success and legend Marv DeWall built over almost 40 years of racing.
But I would also argue that the way we carry ourselves as we go about our business, the way we treat our fellow competitors, family and friends we see every week, and how we represent our partners is an absolute 100% manifestation of Marv DeWall in spirit. May it live on forever.
If you have any photos you'd like to share please tag them or send them along. We would love to see them.

Submitted By: jason dewall

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