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4/12/2024 at Dixieland Speedway

Dirt Limited Late Models

Perry Auto Group A Feature 1 (30 Laps): 1. 3-Shaun Harrell[1]; 2. 5-Cy Nelms Jr[3]; 3. 87-Walker Arthur[5]; 4. 62-Tom Wilson[4]; 5. 23-Michael Rouse[2]; 6. 98-Josh Pierce[6]; 7. 11-Lance Brasington[9]; 8. 24-Ryan Underwood[8]; 9. 44-Connor Morgan[10]; 10. 25-Sanders Overman[7]

Perry Auto Group Qualifying 1: 1. 3-Shaun Harrell, 00:17.519[2]; 2. 23-Michael Rouse, 00:17.566[9]; 3. 5-Cy Nelms Jr, 00:17.838[4]; 4. 62-Tom Wilson, 00:17.953[8]; 5. 87-Walker Arthur, 00:17.993[10]; 6. 98-Josh Pierce, 00:18.020[1]; 7. 25-Sanders Overman, 00:18.530[3]; 8. 24-Ryan Underwood, 00:18.588[5]; 9. 11-Lance Brasington, 00:18.799[7]; 10. 44-Connor Morgan, 00:19.458[6]

Perry Auto Group Hot Laps 1:


Down Home Sheds A Feature 1 (20 Laps): 1. 0-Joe Weiss[1]; 2. 3-Roger Bell[2]; 3. 1-Jeff Shiflett[6]; 4. 78-Kolton Stevens[9]; 5. 3W-Charles Wilson[7]; 6. 51-Mark Gonzales[4]; 7. 21-Troy Brickhouse[3]; 8. 4-Doug Lincoln[5]; 9. (DNS) 7-Mike West

Down Home Sheds Qualifying 1: 1. 0-Joe Weiss, 00:18.954[1]; 2. 3-Roger Bell, 00:19.129[7]; 3. 21-Troy Brickhouse, 00:19.149[8]; 4. 51-Mark Gonzales, 00:19.418[2]; 5. 4-Doug Lincoln, 00:19.526[3]; 6. 1-Jeff Shiflett, 00:20.000[5]; 7. 3W-Charles Wilson, 00:20.096[9]; 8. 7-Mike West, 00:20.496[4]; 9. 78-Kolton Stevens, 00:20.675[6]

Down Home Sheds Hot Laps 1:

Super Sports

The UPS Store A Feature 1 (15 Laps): 1. 28-Rickie Waters[1]; 2. 07-Dillan Rollinson[2]; 3. 29-Ron Winterburn[3]

The UPS Store Qualifying 1: 1. 28-Rickie Waters, 00:20.862[1]; 2. 07-Dillan Rollinson, 00:21.264[3]; 3. 29-Ron Winterburn, 00:21.463[4]; 4. (DNS) 22-Ronald Hite

Pure Stock

Comprehensive Rehabilitation Pain Specialists A Feature 1 (25 Laps): 1. 5-Hunter Denny[1]; 2. 26-Trevor Battoia[2]; 3. J6-Corbett Hamlin[6]; 4. 80-Kevin Bray[3]; 5. 2B-Rodney Busitzky[12]; 6. 17-Justin Ballance[7]; 7. 20-Dennis Barnes[8]; 8. C4-Carter Weiss[13]; 9. 3-Zach Wilson[5]; 10. 93-Chris Lincoln[10]; 11. 05-Stephen Flinn[9]; 12. 2-Dylan Cooke[11]; 13. 83-Clint Smith[14]; 14. 43-Holley Weiss[4]

Comprehensive Rehabilitation Pain Specialists Qualifying 1: 1. 5-Hunter Denny, 00:20.758[12]; 2. 26-Trevor Battoia, 00:20.801[13]; 3. 80-Kevin Bray, 00:21.217[6]; 4. 43-Holley Weiss, 00:21.459[9]; 5. 3-Zach Wilson, 00:21.547[4]; 6. J6-Corbett Hamlin, 00:21.624[2]; 7. 17-Justin Ballance, 00:21.731[14]; 8. 20-Dennis Barnes, 00:21.945[11]; 9. 05-Stephen Flinn, 00:21.947[10]; 10. 93-Chris Lincoln, 00:22.180[8]; 11. 2-Dylan Cooke, 00:22.272[5]; 12. 2B-Rodney Busitzky, 00:22.452[1]; 13. C4-Carter Weiss, 00:22.948[3]; 14. 83-Clint Smith, 00:24.330[7]

Comprehensive Rehabilitation Pain Specialists Hot Laps 1:

Factory Stocks

Moodys Water Conditioning A Feature 1 (15 Laps): 1. 52-Colleen Stevens[4]; 2. 41-Jeff Moore[5]; 3. 70-Missy Daniels[6]; 4. 87-Ryland Lindsey[1]; 5. 8-Justin Bohn[2]; 6. 45-Gage Henry[3]

Moodys Water Conditioning Qualifying 1: 1. 87-Ryland Lindsey, 00:22.297[5]; 2. 8-Justin Bohn, 00:23.933[4]; 3. 45-Gage Henry, 00:24.342[6]; 4. 52-Colleen Stevens, 00:25.121[1]; 5. 41-Jeff Moore, 00:26.302[2]; 6. 70-Missy Daniels, 00:27.122[3]

Dirt Limited Late Models

A Feature 1

30 laps | 00:20:49.358Presented by Perry Auto Group
11Shaun HarrellHope Mills, NC3
23Cy Nelms JrBailey, NC5
35Walker ArthurForest, VA87
44Tom WilsonKnotts Island, NC62
52Michael RouseWilson, NC23
66Josh PierceElizabeth City, NC98
79Lance BrasingtonLexington, SC11
88Ryan UnderwoodElizabeth City, NC24
910Connor MorganCamden, NC44
107Sanders OvermanEdenton, NC25

Qualifying 1

00:07:40.463Presented by Perry Auto Group
12Shaun HarrellHope Mills, NC317.519
29Michael RouseWilson, NC2317.566
34Cy Nelms JrBailey, NC517.838
48Tom WilsonKnotts Island, NC6217.953
510Walker ArthurForest, VA8717.993
61Josh PierceElizabeth City, NC9818.020
73Sanders OvermanEdenton, NC2518.530
85Ryan UnderwoodElizabeth City, NC2418.588
97Lance BrasingtonLexington, SC1118.799
106Connor MorganCamden, NC4419.458

Hot Laps 1: Lineup

00:00:00Presented by Perry Auto Group
1Connor MorganCamden, NC44
2Lance BrasingtonLexington, SC11
3Ryan UnderwoodElizabeth City, NC24
4Michael RouseWilson, NC23
5Sanders OvermanEdenton, NC25
6Shaun HarrellHope Mills, NC3
7Cy Nelms JrBailey, NC5
8Walker ArthurForest, VA87
9Tom WilsonKnotts Island, NC62
10Josh PierceElizabeth City, NC98

Factory Stocks

A Feature 1

15 laps | 00:14:28.066Presented by Moody's Water Conditioning
14Colleen StevensElizabeth City, NC52
25Jeff MooreElizabeth City, NC41
36Missy DanielsVirginia Beach, VA70
41Ryland LindseyCamden, NC87
52Justin BohnPortsmouth, VA8
63Gage HenryHertford, NC45

Qualifying 1

00:02:01.832Presented by Moody's Water Conditioning
15Ryland LindseyCamden, NC8722.297
24Justin BohnPortsmouth, VA823.933
36Gage HenryHertford, NC4524.342
41Colleen StevensElizabeth City, NC5225.121
52Jeff MooreElizabeth City, NC4126.302
63Missy DanielsVirginia Beach, VA7027.122

Pure Stock

A Feature 1

25 laps | 00:33:28.223Presented by Comprehensive Rehabilitation & Pain Specialists
11Hunter DennyRoanoke Rapids, NC5
22Trevor BattoiaElizabeth City, NC26
36Corbett HamlinMoyock, NCJ6
43Kevin BrayMaple, NC80
512Rodney BusitzkyVirginia Beach, VA2B
67Justin BallanceElizabeth City, NC17
78Dennis BarnesCamden, NC20
813Carter WeissElizabeth City, NCC4
95Zach WilsonElizabeth City, NC3
1010Chris LincolnChesapeake, VA93
119Stephen FlinnVirginia Beach, VA05
1211Dylan CookeRoanoke Rapids, NC2
1314Clint SmithVirginia Beach, VA83
144Holley WeissElizabeth City, NC43

Qualifying 1

00:06:01.142Presented by Comprehensive Rehabilitation & Pain Specialists
112Hunter DennyRoanoke Rapids, NC520.758
213Trevor BattoiaElizabeth City, NC2620.801
36Kevin BrayMaple, NC8021.217
49Holley WeissElizabeth City, NC4321.459
54Zach WilsonElizabeth City, NC321.547
62Corbett HamlinMoyock, NCJ621.624
714Justin BallanceElizabeth City, NC1721.731
811Dennis BarnesCamden, NC2021.945
910Stephen FlinnVirginia Beach, VA0521.947
108Chris LincolnChesapeake, VA9322.180
115Dylan CookeRoanoke Rapids, NC222.272
121Rodney BusitzkyVirginia Beach, VA2B22.452
133Carter WeissElizabeth City, NCC422.948
147Clint SmithVirginia Beach, VA8324.330

Hot Laps 1: Lineup

00:00:00Presented by Comprehensive Rehabilitation & Pain Specialists
1Dennis BarnesCamden, NC20
2Trevor BattoiaElizabeth City, NC26
3Justin BallanceElizabeth City, NC17
4Holley WeissElizabeth City, NC43
5Kevin BrayMaple, NC80
6Dylan CookeRoanoke Rapids, NC2
7Stephen FlinnVirginia Beach, VA05
8Clint SmithVirginia Beach, VA83
9Rodney BusitzkyVirginia Beach, VA2B
10Carter WeissElizabeth City, NCC4
11Chris LincolnChesapeake, VA93
12Zach WilsonElizabeth City, NC3
13Hunter DennyRoanoke Rapids, NC5
14Corbett HamlinMoyock, NCJ6


A Feature 1

20 laps | 00:14:08.320Presented by Down Home Sheds
11Joe WeissElizabeth City, NC0
22Roger BellChesapeake, VA3
36Jeff ShiflettMoyock, NC1
49Kolton StevensElizabeth City, NC78
57Charles WilsonElizabeth City, NC3W
64Mark GonzalesElizabeth City, NC51
73Troy BrickhouseElizabeth City, NC21
85Doug LincolnChesapeake, VA4
DNS-Mike WestTyner, NC7

Qualifying 1

00:08:34.744Presented by Down Home Sheds
11Joe WeissElizabeth City, NC018.954
27Roger BellChesapeake, VA319.129
38Troy BrickhouseElizabeth City, NC2119.149
42Mark GonzalesElizabeth City, NC5119.418
53Doug LincolnChesapeake, VA419.526
65Jeff ShiflettMoyock, NC120.000
79Charles WilsonElizabeth City, NC3W20.096
84Mike WestTyner, NC720.496
96Kolton StevensElizabeth City, NC7820.675

Hot Laps 1: Lineup

00:00:00Presented by Down Home Sheds
1Doug LincolnChesapeake, VA4
2Jeff ShiflettMoyock, NC1
3Charles WilsonElizabeth City, NC3W
4Mike WestTyner, NC7
5Roger BellChesapeake, VA3
6Troy BrickhouseElizabeth City, NC21
7Kolton StevensElizabeth City, NC78
8Mark GonzalesElizabeth City, NC51
9Joe WeissElizabeth City, NC0

Super Sports

A Feature 1

15 laps | 00:11:33.519Presented by The UPS Store
11Rickie WatersNorth Wilkesboro, NC28
22Dillan RollinsonHertford, NC07
33Ron WinterburnElizabeth City, NC29

Qualifying 1

00:01:45.368Presented by The UPS Store
11Rickie WatersNorth Wilkesboro, NC2820.862
23Dillan RollinsonHertford, NC0721.264
34Ron WinterburnElizabeth City, NC2921.463
DNS-Ronald HiteElizabeth City, NC220.000

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